When The Night Falls

When the night falls and you are left with your own thoughts, memories, dreams, and expectations, all kinds of great ideas come to your mind.

I found this amazing blog- Just Be, Love All, Live Life and it got my head spinning in all kinds of directions. Yes, I did get a whiplash and, yes, I blame Liz.

Ikskile, Latvia

You can look at your own reflection in the mirror and see nothing but darkness but when you look through it, you will see the light. Darkness is nothing but an illusion created by you.

Riga, Latvia

When you look up, what do you see? Do you see how wonderful this world is? Look past negativity, look passed your own ugly beliefs, look passed those small minded people who tell you that you are a failure but, in all honesty, they have nothing to show themselves and their words are nothing but a sad reflection of their own pain.

Place of Broken Dreams

You have gone down this road many times and you might be still walking down the same road that leads to the place of lost dreams. Life is not about walking the same path, life is about finding a way to get you where you want to go.  What does that mean? It just means – when you are off road wondering around scared, you are going the right direction, and every other road that you are familiar with, leads to nowhere.

The Big Island Hawaii

As more people you meet, as more places you visit,  as more you experience, as more you find yourself seeing that you are perfect the way you are and you do have a choice to surround yourself with people you call friends and leave the rest behind to simmer in their own pathetic juices

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About Dace

I am perfectly imperfect!

9 responses to “When The Night Falls”

  1. Heather Stearns says :

    Gorgeous photos!

  2. liz says :

    wow. thanks for the blog-lovin’! 🙂 i am truly glad to have found your blog too, with such positive vibes & empowering thoughts. peace & love to you.

  3. Laura4NYC says :

    Reminds me of the quote: “Life is like a dance. You have to find your own rhythm.”

  4. carolynpageabc says :

    You’re the voice, girl…. Self acceptance; it’s all about self acceptance..! 🙂

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